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3 Tips in 30: The Dos and Don’ts of your Zero Trust Journey

Tuesday, June 28, 2022 | 10AM PST, 1PM EST

Okta and CrowdStrike talk Zero Trust

Have you already heard why Zero Trust is important but struggling with how to get started? Are you trying to boil the ocean and getting overwhelmed? Kickstarting your Zero Trust journey doesn’t have to be difficult - there’s a lot you can do with what you have already, and the rest is finding the right stack that’ll work for you today and tomorrow. Tune in to hear from Okta and CrowdStrike about the dos and don’ts of implementing Zero Trust. We’ll cover:

  • 3 tips in 30 minutes with actionable takeaways
  • Real customer Zero Trust use cases
  • Best practices for getting started on your Zero Trust Journey

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Increase IT efficiency

As cloud applications replace and augment on-prem applications, IT is tasked with deploying and managing access for an ever expanding, increasingly complex ecosystem.


Improve workforce productivity

The number of apps deployed by enterprises has increased 68% over four years*, creating distractions for employees as they scramble to navigate access and remember credentials.


Increase IT efficiency

As cloud applications replace and augment on-prem applications, IT is tasked with deploying and managing access for an ever expanding, increasingly complex ecosystem.


Improve workforce productivity

The number of apps deployed by enterprises has increased 68% over four years*, creating distractions for employees as they scramble to navigate access and remember credentials.


Deliver secure, always-on access

60% of organizations modernizing IT aim to support work from "anywhere" environments, introducing new risks and reducing the effectiveness of traditional security practices.**


Simplify user access auditing

It’s hard to stay compliant when you don’t know who has access to what

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When is the event?

Oktane21 is being planned as a virtual conference the week of April 5th, 2021. We will continue to monitor the situation regarding an in-person component.

When is the event?

Oktane21 is being planned as a virtual conference the week of April 5th, 2021. We will continue to monitor the situation regarding an in-person component.

When is the event?

Oktane21 is being planned as a virtual conference the week of April 5th, 2021. We will continue to monitor the situation regarding an in-person component.

When is the event?

Oktane21 is being planned as a virtual conference the week of April 5th, 2021. We will continue to monitor the situation regarding an in-person component.

When is the event?

Oktane21 is being planned as a virtual conference the week of April 5th, 2021. We will continue to monitor the situation regarding an in-person component.

A platform for identity-driven security and privacy

Protecting user trust is imperative for the bottom line, yet customer accounts are under constant threat and personal data is often compromised.

Secure customer accounts

Secure the customer identity lifecycle for your apps. Protect users at registration, authentication, and in-app activity.

Keep attackers at bay

Protect against intruders using modern auth standards and machine learning.

Protect user privacy

Manage consent and seamlessly integrate with with leading privacy solutions for GDPR and CCPA compliance.


Anchor an identity-first approach that negates security vulnerabilities at all stages of interaction with your business.

Passwordless authentication

Improve security by eliminating passwords from the authentication flow. Easily apply strong authentication and reduce friction with a no code factor sequencing interface.

Provide a frictionless user experience

Reduce friction with a single, secure, and seamless identity layer across digital experiences. Apply adaptive multi-factor authentication to lower friction while increasing security.

Manage end-to-end risk

A single platform to manage end-to-end risk provides a complete 360 view of the risk involved with fraudulent activity on the platform. Easily include API security into your access management program.


Steve Chan

Group Product Marketing Manager


Steve is a Group Product Marketing Manager focused on product marketing and strategy. Before joining Okta, Steve was at Proofpoint, responsible for their information protection, cloud security, and threat products. And prior to Proofpoint, Steve co-founded and held executive roles at security, information governance, and gaming firms around the valley.

Jill Braden

Senior Product Marketing Manager


Jill Braden is a Sr. Product Marketing Manager at CrowdStrike and is responsible for developing thought-provoking content, educating and training customers, partners and sales teams on strategic partner solutions and technology integrations. Jill has over 16 years of experience in IT and security helping professionals develop best practices with new technologies and industry trends. Jill also brings tremendous experience and expertise in marketing solutions in Security, Cloud, Networking, and Communications.

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